
Rulesets (26)

Gitlab, Semgrep

Use Semgrep as a universal linter to identify vulnerabilities in your code base with the gosec (https://github.com/securego/gosec) rule pack.


This rulepack powers the Semgrep Secrets product https://semgrep.dev/products/semgrep-secrets. If you are interested in trialing Semgrep Secrets reach out to sales@semgrep.com.

Rules (234)

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An HTTP redirect was found to be crafted from user-input `$REQUEST`. This can lead to open redirect vulnerabilities, potentially allowing attackers to redirect users to malicious web sites. It is recommend where possible to not allow user-input to craft the redirect URL. When user-input is necessary to craft the request, it is recommended to follow OWASP best practices to restrict the URL to domains in an allowlist.

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This code contains bidirectional (bidi) characters. While this is useful for support of right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew, it can also be used to trick language parsers into executing code in a manner that is different from how it is displayed in code editing and review tools. If this is not what you were expecting, please review this code in an editor that can reveal hidden Unicode characters.

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Detected SQL statement that is tainted by `$EVENT` object. This could lead to SQL injection if the variable is user-controlled and not properly sanitized. In order to prevent SQL injection, use parameterized queries or prepared statements instead. You can use prepared statements with the 'Prepare' and 'PrepareContext' calls.

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Detected user input used to manually construct a SQL string. This is usually bad practice because manual construction could accidentally result in a SQL injection. An attacker could use a SQL injection to steal or modify contents of the database. Instead, use a parameterized query which is available by default in most database engines. Alternatively, consider using an object-relational mapper (ORM) such as Sequelize which will protect your queries.

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The Origin header in the HTTP WebSocket handshake is used to guarantee that the connection accepted by the WebSocket is from a trusted origin domain. Failure to enforce can lead to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). As per "gorilla/websocket" documentation: "A CheckOrigin function should carefully validate the request origin to prevent cross-site request forgery."

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Found an insecure gRPC connection using 'grpc.WithInsecure()'. This creates a connection without encryption to a gRPC server. A malicious attacker could tamper with the gRPC message, which could compromise the machine. Instead, establish a secure connection with an SSL certificate using the 'grpc.WithTransportCredentials()' function. You can create a create credentials using a 'tls.Config{}' struct with 'credentials.NewTLS()'. The final fix looks like this: 'grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(<config>))'.

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Found an insecure gRPC server without 'grpc.Creds()' or options with credentials. This allows for a connection without encryption to this server. A malicious attacker could tamper with the gRPC message, which could compromise the machine. Include credentials derived from an SSL certificate in order to create a secure gRPC connection. You can create credentials using 'credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile("cert.pem", "cert.key")'.

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Detected the decoding of a JWT token without a verify step. Don't use `ParseUnverified` unless you know what you're doing This method parses the token but doesn't validate the signature. It's only ever useful in cases where you know the signature is valid (because it has been checked previously in the stack) and you want to extract values from it.

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A hard-coded credential was detected. It is not recommended to store credentials in source-code, as this risks secrets being leaked and used by either an internal or external malicious adversary. It is recommended to use environment variables to securely provide credentials or retrieve credentials from a secure vault or HSM (Hardware Security Module).

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Detected a hidden goroutine. Function invocations are expected to synchronous, and this function will execute asynchronously because all it does is call a goroutine. Instead, remove the internal goroutine and call the function using 'go'.

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`$VALUE` is a loop pointer that may be exported from the loop. This pointer is shared between loop iterations, so the exported reference will always point to the last loop value, which is likely unintentional. To fix, copy the pointer to a new pointer within the loop.

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Detected file permissions that are set to more than `0600` (user/owner can read and write). Setting file permissions to higher than `0600` is most likely unnecessary and violates the principle of least privilege. Instead, set permissions to be `0600` or less for os.Chmod, os.Mkdir, os.OpenFile, os.MkdirAll, and ioutil.WriteFile

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Detected useless comparison operation `$X == $X` or `$X != $X`. This will always return 'True' or 'False' and therefore is not necessary. Instead, remove this comparison operation or use another comparison expression that is not deterministic.

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Detected useless if statement. 'if (True)' and 'if (False)' always result in the same behavior, and therefore is not necessary in the code. Remove the 'if (False)' expression completely or just the 'if (True)' comparison depending on which expression is in the code.

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`MinVersion` is missing from this TLS configuration. By default, TLS 1.2 is currently used as the minimum when acting as a client, and TLS 1.0 when acting as a server. General purpose web applications should default to TLS 1.3 with all other protocols disabled. Only where it is known that a web server must support legacy clients with unsupported an insecure browsers (such as Internet Explorer 10), it may be necessary to enable TLS 1.0 to provide support. Add `MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS13' to the TLS configuration to bump the minimum version to TLS 1.3.

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Detected an insecure CipherSuite via the 'tls' module. This suite is considered weak. Use the function 'tls.CipherSuites()' to get a list of good cipher suites. See https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#InsecureCipherSuites for why and what other cipher suites to use.

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Detected use of the 'none' algorithm in a JWT token. The 'none' algorithm assumes the integrity of the token has already been verified. This would allow a malicious actor to forge a JWT token that will automatically be verified. Do not explicitly use the 'none' algorithm. Instead, use an algorithm such as 'HS256'.

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It looks like MD5 is used as a password hash. MD5 is not considered a secure password hash because it can be cracked by an attacker in a short amount of time. Use a suitable password hashing function such as bcrypt. You can use the `golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt` package.

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Detected a potentially dynamic ClientTrace. This occurred because semgrep could not find a static definition for '$TRACE'. Dynamic ClientTraces are dangerous because they deserialize function code to run when certain Request events occur, which could lead to code being run without your knowledge. Ensure that your ClientTrace is statically defined.

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The profiling 'pprof' endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof. This could leak information about the server. Instead, use `import "net/http/pprof"`. See https://www.farsightsecurity.com/blog/txt-record/go-remote-profiling-20161028/ for more information and mitigation.

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Found a formatted template string passed to 'template.URL()'. 'template.URL()' does not escape contents, and this could result in XSS (cross-site scripting) and therefore confidential data being stolen. Sanitize data coming into this function or make sure that no user-controlled input is coming into the function.

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'reflect.MakeFunc' detected. This will sidestep protections that are normally afforded by Go's type system. Audit this call and be sure that user input cannot be used to affect the code generated by MakeFunc; otherwise, you will have a serious security vulnerability.

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Detected string concatenation with a non-literal variable in a "database/sql" Go SQL statement. This could lead to SQL injection if the variable is user-controlled and not properly sanitized. In order to prevent SQL injection, use parameterized queries or prepared statements instead. You can use prepared statements with the 'Prepare' and 'PrepareContext' calls.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected string concatenation with a non-literal variable in a go-pg ORM SQL statement. This could lead to SQL injection if the variable is user-controlled and not properly sanitized. In order to prevent SQL injection, do not use strings concatenated with user-controlled input. Instead, use parameterized statements.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected string concatenation with a non-literal variable in a go-pg SQL statement. This could lead to SQL injection if the variable is user-controlled and not properly sanitized. In order to prevent SQL injection, use parameterized queries instead of string concatenation. You can use parameterized queries like so: '(SELECT ? FROM table, data1)'

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected string concatenation with a non-literal variable in a pgx Go SQL statement. This could lead to SQL injection if the variable is user-controlled and not properly sanitized. In order to prevent SQL injection, use parameterized queries instead. You can use parameterized queries like so: (`SELECT $1 FROM table`, `data1)

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If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which method or field to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

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Using the unsafe package in Go gives you low-level memory management and many of the strengths of the C language, but also steps around the type safety of Go and can lead to buffer overflows and possible arbitrary code execution by an attacker. Only use this package if you absolutely know what you're doing.

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When working with web applications that involve rendering user-generated content, it's important to properly escape any HTML content to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. In Go, the `text/template` package does not automatically escape HTML content, which can leave your application vulnerable to these types of attacks. To mitigate this risk, it's recommended to use the `html/template` package instead, which provides built-in functionality for HTML escaping. By using `html/template` to render your HTML content, you can help to ensure that your web application is more secure and less susceptible to XSS vulnerabilities.

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Semgrep could not determine that the argument to 'template.HTML()' is a constant. 'template.HTML()' and similar does not escape contents. Be absolutely sure there is no user-controlled data in this template. If user data can reach this template, you may have a XSS vulnerability. Instead, do not use this function and use 'template.Execute()'.

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`Clean` is not intended to sanitize against path traversal attacks. This function is for finding the shortest path name equivalent to the given input. Using `Clean` to sanitize file reads may expose this application to path traversal attacks, where an attacker could access arbitrary files on the server. To fix this easily, write this: `filepath.FromSlash(path.Clean("/"+strings.Trim(req.URL.Path, "/")))` However, a better solution is using the `SecureJoin` function in the package `filepath-securejoin`. See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin#section-readme.

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Detected user input flowing into a manually constructed HTML string. You may be accidentally bypassing secure methods of rendering HTML by manually constructing HTML and this could create a cross-site scripting vulnerability, which could let attackers steal sensitive user data. Use the `html/template` package which will safely render HTML instead, or inspect that the HTML is rendered safely.

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User data flows into this manually-constructed SQL string. User data can be safely inserted into SQL strings using prepared statements or an object-relational mapper (ORM). Manually-constructed SQL strings is a possible indicator of SQL injection, which could let an attacker steal or manipulate data from the database. Instead, use prepared statements (`db.Query("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = ?", id)`) or a safe library.

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A request was found to be crafted from user-input `$REQUEST`. This can lead to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities, potentially exposing sensitive data. It is recommend where possible to not allow user-input to craft the base request, but to be treated as part of the path or query parameter. When user-input is necessary to craft the request, it is recommended to follow OWASP best practices to prevent abuse, including using an allowlist.