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Secure defaults for XSS in Go.

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When working with web applications that involve rendering user-generated content, it's important to properly escape any HTML content to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. In Go, the `text/template` package does not automatically escape HTML content, which can leave your application vulnerable to these types of attacks. To mitigate this risk, it's recommended to use the `html/template` package instead, which provides built-in functionality for HTML escaping. By using `html/template` to render your HTML content, you can help to ensure that your web application is more secure and less susceptible to XSS vulnerabilities.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Semgrep could not determine that the argument to 'template.HTML()' is a constant. 'template.HTML()' and similar does not escape contents. Be absolutely sure there is no user-controlled data in this template. If user data can reach this template, you may have a XSS vulnerability. Instead, do not use this function and use 'template.Execute()'.