
Rulesets (10)


This rulepack powers the Semgrep Secrets product https://semgrep.dev/products/semgrep-secrets. If you are interested in trialing Semgrep Secrets reach out to sales@semgrep.com.

Rules (100)

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This location block contains a 'proxy_pass' directive but does not contain the 'internal' directive. The 'internal' directive restricts access to this location to internal requests. Without 'internal', an attacker could use your server for server-side request forgeries (SSRF). Include the 'internal' directive in this block to limit exposure.

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This tag is missing an 'integrity' subresource integrity attribute. The 'integrity' attribute allows for the browser to verify that externally hosted files (for example from a CDN) are delivered without unexpected manipulation. Without this attribute, if an attacker can modify the externally hosted resource, this could lead to XSS and other types of attacks. To prevent this, include the base64-encoded cryptographic hash of the resource (file) you’re telling the browser to fetch in the 'integrity' attribute for all externally hosted files.

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Detected a template variable used in an anchor tag with the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. If using Flask, use 'url_for()' to safely generate a URL. If using Django, use the 'url' filter to safely generate a URL. If using Mustache, use a URL encoding library, or prepend a slash '/' to the variable for relative links (`href="/{{link}}"`). You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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Detected a template variable used as the 'src' in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent malicious URLs from being injected and could results in a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Prefer not to dynamically generate the 'src' attribute and use static URLs instead. If you must do this, carefully check URLs against an allowlist and be sure to URL-encode the result.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI. For Django, you may also consider using the 'json_script' template tag and retrieving the data in your script by using the element ID (e.g., `document.getElementById`).

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The host for this proxy URL is dynamically determined. This can be dangerous if the host can be injected by an attacker because it may forcibly alter destination of the proxy. Consider hardcoding acceptable destinations and retrieving them with 'map' or something similar.

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The $$VARIABLE path parameter is added as a header in the response. This could allow an attacker to inject a newline and add a new header into the response. This is called HTTP response splitting. To fix, do not allow whitespace in the path parameter: '[^\s]+'.

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The 'add_header' directive is called in a 'location' block after headers have been set at the server block. Calling 'add_header' in the location block will actually overwrite the headers defined in the server block, no matter which headers are set. To fix this, explicitly set all headers or set all headers in the server block.

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This server configuration is missing the 'ssl_protocols' directive. By default, this server will use 'ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2', and versions older than TLSv1.2 are known to be broken. Explicitly specify 'ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3' to use secure TLS versions.

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Conditions for Nginx H2C smuggling identified. H2C smuggling allows upgrading HTTP/1.1 connections to lesser-known HTTP/2 over cleartext (h2c) connections which can allow a bypass of reverse proxy access controls, and lead to long-lived, unrestricted HTTP traffic directly to back-end servers. To mitigate: WebSocket support required: Allow only the value websocket for HTTP/1.1 upgrade headers (e.g., Upgrade: websocket). WebSocket support not required: Do not forward Upgrade headers.

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Consuming CDNs without including a SubResource Integrity (SRI) can expose your application and its users to compromised code. SRIs allow you to consume specific versions of content where if even a single byte is compromised, the resource will not be loaded. Add an integrity attribute to your <script> and <link> tags pointing to CDN content to ensure the resources have not been compromised. A crossorigin attribute should also be added. For a more thorough explanation along with explicit instructions on remediating, follow the directions from Mozilla here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/securing-cdn-using-sri-why-how/

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To remediate this issue, ensure that all URL parameters are properly escaped before including them in scripts. Please update your code to use either the JSENCODE method to escape URL parameters or the escape="true" attribute on <apex:outputText> tags. Passing URL parameters directly into scripts and DOM sinks creates an opportunity for Cross-Site Scripting attacks. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites. To remediate this issue, ensure that all URL parameters are properly escaped before including them in scripts.

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Your app uses TLS public key pinning without specifying an expiration date. If your users do not update the app to receive new pins in time, expired or replaced certificates can lead to connectivity issues until they install an update. It is considered best practice to set an expiration time, after which the system will default to trusting system CAs and disregard the pin.

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The application exports an activity. Any application on the device can launch the exported activity which may compromise the integrity of your application or its data. Ensure that any exported activities do not have privileged access to your application's control plane.

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Detected a template variable used as the 'src' in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent malicious URLs from being injected and could results in a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Prefer not to dynamically generate the 'src' attribute and use static URLs instead. If you must do this, carefully check URLs against an allowlist and be sure to URL-encode the result.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI.

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Detected a template variable used in an anchor tag with the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. Use the 'url' template tag to safely generate a URL. You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI. For Django, you may also consider using the 'json_script' template tag and retrieving the data in your script by using the element ID (e.g., `document.getElementById`).

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Detected a template variable used in an anchor tag with the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. Use 'url_for()' to safely generate a URL. You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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'content_tag' exhibits unintuitive escaping behavior and may accidentally expose your application to cross-site scripting. If using Rails 2, only attribute values are escaped. If using Rails 3, content and attribute values are escaped. Tag and attribute names are never escaped. Because of this, it is recommended to use 'html_safe' if you must render raw HTML data.

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'raw' renders raw HTML, as the name implies. This means that normal HTML escaping is bypassed. If user data can be controlled here, this exposes your application to cross-site scripting (XSS). If you need to do this, be sure to correctly sanitize the data using a library such as DOMPurify.

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Detected a template variable used in 'link_to'. This will generate dynamic data in the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. If using a relative URL, start with a literal forward slash and concatenate the URL, like this: 'link_to "Here", "/"+@link'. You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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Detected a template variable used in an anchor tag with the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. If using a relative URL, start with a literal forward slash and concatenate the URL, like this: href='/<%= link =>'. You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need to do this, use `escape_javascript` or its alias, `j`. However, this will not protect from XSS in all circumstances; see the references for more information. Consider placing this value in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag).

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Raw html content controlled by a variable detected. You may be accidentally bypassing secure methods of rendering HTML by manually constructing HTML and this could create a cross-site scripting vulnerability, which could let attackers steal sensitive user data. Try to avoid using `Html()` or consider properly sanitizing input data.