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Scan code for potential security issues that require additional review. Recommended for teams looking to set up guardrails or to flag troublesome spots for further review.

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Detected a method annotated with 'RequestMapping' that does not specify the HTTP method. CSRF protections are not enabled for GET, HEAD, TRACE, or OPTIONS, and by default all HTTP methods are allowed when the HTTP method is not explicitly specified. This means that a method that performs state changes could be vulnerable to CSRF attacks. To mitigate, add the 'method' field and specify the HTTP method (such as 'RequestMethod.POST').

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A hard-coded credential was detected. It is not recommended to store credentials in source-code, as this risks secrets being leaked and used by either an internal or external malicious adversary. It is recommended to use environment variables to securely provide credentials or retrieve credentials from a secure vault or HSM (Hardware Security Module).

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Found an insecure gRPC connection using 'grpc.WithInsecure()'. This creates a connection without encryption to a gRPC server. A malicious attacker could tamper with the gRPC message, which could compromise the machine. Instead, establish a secure connection with an SSL certificate using the 'grpc.WithTransportCredentials()' function. You can create a create credentials using a 'tls.Config{}' struct with 'credentials.NewTLS()'. The final fix looks like this: 'grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(<config>))'.

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Found an insecure gRPC server without 'grpc.Creds()' or options with credentials. This allows for a connection without encryption to this server. A malicious attacker could tamper with the gRPC message, which could compromise the machine. Include credentials derived from an SSL certificate in order to create a secure gRPC connection. You can create credentials using 'credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile("cert.pem", "cert.key")'.

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Detected an insecure CipherSuite via the 'tls' module. This suite is considered weak. Use the function 'tls.CipherSuites()' to get a list of good cipher suites. See for why and what other cipher suites to use.

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The profiling 'pprof' endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof. This could leak information about the server. Instead, use `import "net/http/pprof"`. See for more information and mitigation.

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Because portions of the logging configuration are passed through eval(), use of this function may open its users to a security risk. While the function only binds to a socket on localhost, and so does not accept connections from remote machines, there are scenarios where untrusted code could be run under the account of the process which calls listen(). To avoid this happening, use the `verify()` argument to `listen()` to prevent unrecognized configurations.

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NullCipher was detected. This will not encrypt anything; the cipher text will be the same as the plain text. Use a valid, secure cipher: Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS7PADDING"). See for more information.

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Detected a potential path traversal. A malicious actor could control the location of this file, to include going backwards in the directory with '../'. To address this, ensure that user-controlled variables in file paths are sanitized. You may also consider using a utility method such as to only retrieve the file name from the path.

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Detected a potentially dynamic ClientTrace. This occurred because semgrep could not find a static definition for '$TRACE'. Dynamic ClientTraces are dangerous because they deserialize function code to run when certain Request events occur, which could lead to code being run without your knowledge. Ensure that your ClientTrace is statically defined.

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Found user data in a call to 'eval'. This is extremely dangerous because it can enable an attacker to execute arbitrary remote code on the system. Instead, refactor your code to not use 'eval' and instead use a safe library for the specific functionality you need.

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Found user data in a call to 'exec'. This is extremely dangerous because it can enable an attacker to execute arbitrary remote code on the system. Instead, refactor your code to not use 'eval' and instead use a safe library for the specific functionality you need.

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Mass assignment detected. This can result in assignment to model fields that are unintended and can be exploited by an attacker. Instead of using '**request.$W', assign each field you want to edit individually to prevent mass assignment. You can read more about mass assignment at

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A hard-coded credential was detected. It is not recommended to store credentials in source-code, as this risks secrets being leaked and used by either an internal or external malicious adversary. It is recommended to use environment variables to securely provide credentials or retrieve credentials from a secure vault or HSM (Hardware Security Module).

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IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) is a block cipher created in 1991. It is an optional component of the OpenPGP standard. This cipher is susceptible to attacks when using weak keys. It is recommended that you do not use this cipher for new applications. Use a strong symmetric cipher such as EAS instead. With the `cryptography` package it is recommended to use `Fernet` which is a secure implementation of AES in CBC mode with a 128-bit key. Alternatively, keep using the `Cipher` class from the hazmat primitives but use the AES algorithm instead.

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ECB (Electronic Code Book) is the simplest mode of operation for block ciphers. Each block of data is encrypted in the same way. This means identical plaintext blocks will always result in identical ciphertext blocks, which can leave significant patterns in the output. Use a different, cryptographically strong mode instead, such as GCM.

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The Python documentation recommends using `defusedxml` instead of `xml` because the native Python `xml` library is vulnerable to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks. These attacks can leak confidential data and "XML bombs" can cause denial of service.

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Distinct, Having, Group_by, Order_by, and Filter in SQLAlchemy can cause sql injections if the developer inputs raw SQL into the before-mentioned clauses. This pattern captures relevant cases in which the developer inputs raw SQL into the distinct, having, group_by, order_by or filter clauses and injects user-input into the raw SQL with any function besides "bindparams". Use bindParams to securely bind user-input to SQL statements.

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Detected a potential path traversal. A malicious actor could control the location of this file, to include going backwards in the directory with '../'. To address this, ensure that user-controlled variables in file paths are sanitized. You may also consider using a utility method such as to only retrieve the file name from the path.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep Permissive CORS policy will allow a malicious application to communicate with the victim application in an inappropriate way, leading to spoofing, data theft, relay and other attacks.

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Checks for unsafe deserialization. Objects in Ruby can be serialized into strings, then later loaded from strings. However, uses of load and object_load can cause remote code execution. Loading user input with MARSHAL or CSV can potentially be dangerous. Use JSON in a secure fashion instead.

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Checks for use of action in Ruby routes. This can cause Rails to render an arbitrary view if an attacker creates an URL accurately. Affects 3.0 applications. Can avoid the vulnerability by providing additional constraints.

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Detected usage of @csrf_exempt, which indicates that there is no CSRF token set for this route. This could lead to an attacker manipulating the user's account and exfiltration of private data. Instead, create a function without this decorator.

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The host for this proxy URL is dynamically determined. This can be dangerous if the host can be injected by an attacker because it may forcibly alter destination of the proxy. Consider hardcoding acceptable destinations and retrieving them with 'map' or something similar.

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The $$VARIABLE path parameter is added as a header in the response. This could allow an attacker to inject a newline and add a new header into the response. This is called HTTP response splitting. To fix, do not allow whitespace in the path parameter: '[^\s]+'.

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This server configuration is missing the 'ssl_protocols' directive. By default, this server will use 'ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2', and versions older than TLSv1.2 are known to be broken. Explicitly specify 'ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3' to use secure TLS versions.

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Detected a template variable used in an anchor tag with the 'href' attribute. This allows a malicious actor to input the 'javascript:' URI and is subject to cross- site scripting (XSS) attacks. If using Flask, use 'url_for()' to safely generate a URL. If using Django, use the 'url' filter to safely generate a URL. If using Mustache, use a URL encoding library, or prepend a slash '/' to the variable for relative links (`href="/{{link}}"`). You may also consider setting the Content Security Policy (CSP) header.

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Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI. For Django, you may also consider using the 'json_script' template tag and retrieving the data in your script by using the element ID (e.g., `document.getElementById`).

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The 'add_header' directive is called in a 'location' block after headers have been set at the server block. Calling 'add_header' in the location block will actually overwrite the headers defined in the server block, no matter which headers are set. To fix this, explicitly set all headers or set all headers in the server block.

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This location block contains a 'proxy_pass' directive but does not contain the 'internal' directive. The 'internal' directive restricts access to this location to internal requests. Without 'internal', an attacker could use your server for server-side request forgeries (SSRF). Include the 'internal' directive in this block to limit exposure.

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'reflect.MakeFunc' detected. This will sidestep protections that are normally afforded by Go's type system. Audit this call and be sure that user input cannot be used to affect the code generated by MakeFunc; otherwise, you will have a serious security vulnerability.

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Detected a formatted string in a SQL statement. This could lead to SQL injection if variables in the SQL statement are not properly sanitized. Use a prepared statements (java.sql.PreparedStatement) instead. You can obtain a PreparedStatement using 'connection.prepareStatement'.

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Found object deserialization using ObjectInputStream. Deserializing entire Java objects is dangerous because malicious actors can create Java object streams with unintended consequences. Ensure that the objects being deserialized are not user-controlled. If this must be done, consider using HMACs to sign the data stream to make sure it is not tampered with, or consider only transmitting object fields and populating a new object.

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XMLDecoder should not be used to parse untrusted data. Deserializing user input can lead to arbitrary code execution. Use an alternative and explicitly disable external entities. See for alternatives and vulnerability prevention.

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It looks like you're using an implementation of XSSRequestWrapper from dzone. ( The XSS filtering in this code is not secure and can be bypassed by malicious actors. It is recommended to use a stack that automatically escapes in your view or templates instead of filtering yourself.

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The marshal module is not intended to be secure against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. Never unmarshal data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated source. See more details:

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Avoid using `cPickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities. When unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code. Instead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based serialization format.

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Avoid using `dill`, which uses `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities. When unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code. Instead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based serialization format.

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Avoid using `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities. When unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code. Instead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based serialization format.

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Avoid using `shelve`, which uses `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities. When unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code. Instead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based serialization format.

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The Connection.recv() method automatically unpickles the data it receives, which can be a security risk unless you can trust the process which sent the message. Therefore, unless the connection object was produced using Pipe() you should only use the recv() and send() methods after performing some sort of authentication. See more dettails:

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Detected the use of 'RawSQL' or 'raw' indicating the execution of a non-parameterized SQL query. This could lead to a SQL injection and therefore protected information could be leaked. Instead, use Django ORM and parameterized queries before raw SQL. An example of using the Django ORM is: `People.objects.get(name='Bob')`

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A hard-coded credential was detected. It is not recommended to store credentials in source-code, as this risks secrets being leaked and used by either an internal or external malicious adversary. It is recommended to use environment variables to securely provide credentials or retrieve credentials from a secure vault or HSM (Hardware Security Module).

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Detected use of the 'none' algorithm in a JWT token. The 'none' algorithm assumes the integrity of the token has already been verified. This would allow a malicious actor to forge a JWT token that will automatically be verified. Do not explicitly use the 'none' algorithm. Instead, use an algorithm such as 'HS256'.

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A hard-coded credential was detected. It is not recommended to store credentials in source-code, as this risks secrets being leaked and used by either an internal or external malicious adversary. It is recommended to use environment variables to securely provide credentials or retrieve credentials from a secure vault or HSM (Hardware Security Module).

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Detected use of the 'none' algorithm in a JWT token. The 'none' algorithm assumes the integrity of the token has already been verified. This would allow a malicious actor to forge a JWT token that will automatically be verified. Do not explicitly use the 'none' algorithm. Instead, use an algorithm such as 'HS256'.

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Detected file permissions that are overly permissive (read, write, and execute). It is generally a bad practices to set overly permissive file permission such as read+write+exec for all users. If the file affected is a configuration, a binary, a script or sensitive data, it can lead to privilege escalation or information leakage. Instead, follow the principle of least privilege and give users only the permissions they need.

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Found a formatted template string passed to 'template.URL()'. 'template.URL()' does not escape contents, and this could result in XSS (cross-site scripting) and therefore confidential data being stolen. Sanitize data coming into this function or make sure that no user-controlled input is coming into the function.

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Django cookies should be handled securely by setting secure=True, httponly=True, and samesite='Lax' in response.set_cookie(...). If your situation calls for different settings, explicitly disable the setting. If you want to send the cookie over http, set secure=False. If you want to let client-side JavaScript read the cookie, set httponly=False. If you want to attach cookies to requests for external sites, set samesite=None.

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Flask response reflects unsanitized user input. This could lead to a cross-site scripting vulnerability ( in which an attacker causes arbitrary code to be executed in the user's browser. To prevent, please sanitize the user input, e.g. by rendering the response in a Jinja2 template (see considerations in

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Found a Flask cookie with insecurely configured properties. By default the secure, httponly and samesite ar configured insecurely. cookies should be handled securely by setting `secure=True`, `httponly=True`, and `samesite='Lax'` in response.set_cookie(...). If these parameters are not properly set, your cookies are not properly protected and are at risk of being stolen by an attacker. Include the `secure=True`, `httponly=True`, `samesite='Lax'` arguments or set these to be true in the Flask configuration.

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Data from request is passed to redirect(). This is an open redirect and could be exploited. Consider using 'url_for()' to generate links to known locations. If you must use a URL to unknown pages, consider using 'urlparse()' or similar and checking if the 'netloc' property is the same as your site's host name. See the references for more information.

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Detected the use of eval(). eval() can be dangerous if used to evaluate dynamic content. If this content can be input from outside the program, this may be a code injection vulnerability. Ensure evaluated content is not definable by external sources.

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Detected the use of exec(). exec() can be dangerous if used to evaluate dynamic content. If this content can be input from outside the program, this may be a code injection vulnerability. Ensure evaluated content is not definable by external sources.

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Detected use of the wildcard character in a system call that spawns a shell. This subjects the wildcard to normal shell expansion, which can have unintended consequences if there exist any non-standard file names. Consider a file named '-e sh' -- this will execute a script when 'rsync' is called. See for more information.

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The HTTPSConnection API has changed frequently with minor releases of Python. Ensure you are using the API for your version of Python securely. For example, Python 3 versions prior to 3.4.3 will not verify SSL certificates by default. See for more information.

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Using the unsafe package in Go gives you low-level memory management and many of the strengths of the C language, but also steps around the type safety of Go and can lead to buffer overflows and possible arbitrary code execution by an attacker. Only use this package if you absolutely know what you're doing.

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Detected a possible YAML deserialization vulnerability. `yaml.unsafe_load`, `yaml.Loader`, `yaml.CLoader`, and `yaml.UnsafeLoader` are all known to be unsafe methods of deserializing YAML. An attacker with control over the YAML input could create special YAML input that allows the attacker to run arbitrary Python code. This would allow the attacker to steal files, download and install malware, or otherwise take over the machine. Use `yaml.safe_load` or `yaml.SafeLoader` instead.

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Checks for calls to without_protection during mass assignment (which allows record creation from hash values). This can lead to users bypassing permissions protections. For Rails 4 and higher, mass protection is on by default. Fix: Don't use :without_protection => true. Instead, configure attr_accessible to control attribute access.

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Use of eval with user-controllable input detected. This can lead to attackers running arbitrary code. Ensure external data does not reach here, otherwise this is a security vulnerability. Consider other ways to do this without eval.

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Checks for strong parameter bypass through usage of create_with. Create_with bypasses strong parameter protection, which could allow attackers to set arbitrary attributes on models. To fix this vulnerability, either remove all create_with calls or use the permit function to specify tags that are allowed to be set.

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Checks for unsafe use of Object#send, try, __send__, and public_send. These only account for unsafe use of a method, not target. This can lead to arbitrary calling of exit, along with arbitrary code execution. Please be sure to sanitize input in order to avoid this.

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Should not use md5 to generate hashes. md5 is proven to be vulnerable through the use of brute-force attacks. Could also result in collisions, leading to potential collision attacks. Use SHA256 or other hashing functions instead.

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Avoid using user-controlled format strings passed into 'sprintf', 'printf' and 'vsprintf'. These functions put you at risk of buffer overflow vulnerabilities through the use of format string exploits. Instead, use 'snprintf' and 'vsnprintf'.

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Finding triggers whenever there is a strcpy or strncpy used. This is an issue because strcpy does not affirm the size of the destination array and strncpy will not automatically NULL-terminate strings. This can lead to buffer overflows, which can cause program crashes and potentially let an attacker inject code in the program. Fix this by using strcpy_s instead (although note that strcpy_s is an optional part of the C11 standard, and so may not be available).

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Use of 'ondoctype' in 'sax' library detected. By default, 'sax' won't do anything with custom DTD entity definitions. If you're implementing a custom DTD entity definition, be sure not to introduce XML External Entity (XXE) vulnerabilities, or be absolutely sure that external entities received from a trusted source while processing XML.

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Detected a request with potential user-input going into a OutputStream or Writer object. This bypasses any view or template environments, including HTML escaping, which may expose this application to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Consider using a view technology such as JavaServer Faces (JSFs) which automatically escapes HTML views.

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Detected SHA1 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. SHA1 is not collision resistant and is therefore not suitable as a cryptographic signature. Instead, use PBKDF2 for password hashing or SHA256 or SHA512 for other hash function applications.

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Detected use of the functions `Math.random()` or `java.util.Random()`. These are both not cryptographically strong random number generators (RNGs). If you are using these RNGs to create passwords or secret tokens, use `` instead.

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Detected input from a HTTPServletRequest going into a session command, like `setAttribute`. User input into such a command could lead to an attacker inputting malicious code into your session parameters, blurring the line between what's trusted and untrusted, and therefore leading to a trust boundary violation. This could lead to programmers trusting unvalidated data. Instead, thoroughly sanitize user input before passing it into such function calls.

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Detected input from a HTTPServletRequest going into a XPath evaluate or compile command. This could lead to xpath injection if variables passed into the evaluate or compile commands are not properly sanitized. Xpath injection could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information in XML documents. Instead, thoroughly sanitize user input or use parameterized xpath queries if you can.