
Rulesets (4)


Default ruleset for PHP, curated by Semgrep.

Rules (88)

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This code contains bidirectional (bidi) characters. While this is useful for support of right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew, it can also be used to trick language parsers into executing code in a manner that is different from how it is displayed in code editing and review tools. If this is not what you were expecting, please review this code in an editor that can reveal hidden Unicode characters.

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Detected non-constant file inclusion. This can lead to local file inclusion (LFI) or remote file inclusion (RFI) if user input reaches this statement. LFI and RFI could lead to sensitive files being obtained by attackers. Instead, explicitly specify what to include. If that is not a viable solution, validate user input thoroughly.

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User data flows into the host portion of this manually-constructed URL. This could allow an attacker to send data to their own server, potentially exposing sensitive data such as cookies or authorization information sent with this request. They could also probe internal servers or other resources that the server runnig this code can access. (This is called server-side request forgery, or SSRF.) Do not allow arbitrary hosts. Instead, create an allowlist for approved hosts hardcode the correct host.

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It looks like MD5 is used as a password hash. MD5 is not considered a secure password hash because it can be cracked by an attacker in a short amount of time. Use a suitable password hashing function such as bcrypt. You can use `password_hash($PASSWORD, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $OPTIONS);`.

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The web server receives a URL or similar request from an upstream component and retrieves the contents of this URL, but it does not sufficiently ensure that the request is being sent to the expected destination. Dangerous function $FUNCS with payload $DATA

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Session key based on user input risks session poisoning. The user can determine the key used for the session, and thus write any session variable. Session variables are typically trusted to be set only by the application, and manipulating the session can result in access control issues.

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User data flows into this manually-constructed SQL string. User data can be safely inserted into SQL strings using prepared statements or an object-relational mapper (ORM). Manually-constructed SQL strings is a possible indicator of SQL injection, which could let an attacker steal or manipulate data from the database. Instead, use prepared statements (`$mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (?, ?)");`) or a safe library.