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Default ruleset for Django, by Semgrep

Run Locally

Rules (29)

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Found user data in a call to 'eval'. This is extremely dangerous because it can enable an attacker to execute arbitrary remote code on the system. Instead, refactor your code to not use 'eval' and instead use a safe library for the specific functionality you need.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Found user data in a call to 'exec'. This is extremely dangerous because it can enable an attacker to execute arbitrary remote code on the system. Instead, refactor your code to not use 'eval' and instead use a safe library for the specific functionality you need.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Mass assignment detected. This can result in assignment to model fields that are unintended and can be exploited by an attacker. Instead of using '**request.$W', assign each field you want to edit individually to prevent mass assignment. You can read more about mass assignment at

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Detected usage of @csrf_exempt, which indicates that there is no CSRF token set for this route. This could lead to an attacker manipulating the user's account and exfiltration of private data. Instead, create a function without this decorator.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected the use of 'RawSQL' or 'raw' indicating the execution of a non-parameterized SQL query. This could lead to a SQL injection and therefore protected information could be leaked. Instead, use Django ORM and parameterized queries before raw SQL. An example of using the Django ORM is: `People.objects.get(name='Bob')`

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Django cookies should be handled securely by setting secure=True, httponly=True, and samesite='Lax' in response.set_cookie(...). If your situation calls for different settings, explicitly disable the setting. If you want to send the cookie over http, set secure=False. If you want to let client-side JavaScript read the cookie, set httponly=False. If you want to attach cookies to requests for external sites, set samesite=None.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected a template variable used in a script tag. Although template variables are HTML escaped, HTML escaping does not always prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when used directly in JavaScript. If you need this data on the rendered page, consider placing it in the HTML portion (outside of a script tag). Alternatively, use a JavaScript-specific encoder, such as the one available in OWASP ESAPI. For Django, you may also consider using the 'json_script' template tag and retrieving the data in your script by using the element ID (e.g., `document.getElementById`).

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected Django filters flagged with 'is_safe'. 'is_safe' tells Django not to apply escaping on the value returned by this filter (although the input is escaped). Used improperly, 'is_safe' could expose your application to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Ensure this filter does not 1) add HTML characters, 2) remove characters, or 3) use external data in any way. Consider instead removing 'is_safe' and explicitly marking safe content with 'mark_safe()'.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

`html_safe()` add the `__html__` magic method to the provided class. The `__html__` method indicates to the Django template engine that the value is 'safe' for rendering. This means that normal HTML escaping will not be applied to the return value. This exposes your application to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. If you need to render raw HTML, consider instead using `mark_safe()` which more clearly marks the intent to render raw HTML than a class with a magic method.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Using 'globals()' as a context to 'render(...)' is extremely dangerous. This exposes Python functions to the template that were not meant to be exposed. An attacker could use these functions to execute code that was not intended to run and could compromise the application. (This is server-side template injection (SSTI)). Do not use 'globals()'. Instead, specify each variable in a dictionary or 'django.template.Context' object, like '{"var1": "hello"}' and use that instead.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Using 'locals()' as a context to 'render(...)' is extremely dangerous. This exposes Python functions to the template that were not meant to be exposed. An attacker could use these functions to execute code that was not intended to run and could compromise the application. (This is server-side template injection (SSTI)). Do not use 'locals()'. Instead, specify each variable in a dictionary or 'django.template.Context' object, like '{"var1": "hello"}' and use that instead.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Passing a formatted string as first parameter to `format_html` disables the proper encoding of variables. Any HTML in the first parameter is not encoded. Using a formatted string as first parameter obscures which parameters are encoded. Correct use of `format_html` is passing a static format string as first parameter, and the variables to substitute as subsequent parameters.