
Rulesets (0)

Rules (16)

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Cipher in ECB mode is detected. ECB mode produces the same output for the same input each time which allows an attacker to intercept and replay the data. Further, ECB mode does not provide any integrity checking. See https://find-sec-bugs.github.io/bugs.htm#CIPHER_INTEGRITY.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

GCM detected, please check that IV/nonce is not reused, an Initialization Vector (IV) is a nonce used to randomize the encryption, so that even if multiple messages with identical plaintext are encrypted, the generated corresponding ciphertexts are different.Unlike the Key, the IV usually does not need to be secret, rather it is important that it is random and unique. Certain encryption schemes the IV is exchanged in public as part of the ciphertext. Reusing same Initialization Vector with the same Key to encrypt multiple plaintext blocks allows an attacker to compare the ciphertexts and then, with some assumptions on the content of the messages, to gain important information about the data being encrypted.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

NullCipher was detected. This will not encrypt anything; the cipher text will be the same as the plain text. Use a valid, secure cipher: Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS7PADDING"). See https://owasp.org/www-community/Using_the_Java_Cryptographic_Extensions for more information.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected SHA1 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. SHA1 is not collision resistant and is therefore not suitable as a cryptographic signature. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.

profile photo of semgrepsemgrep

Detected MD5 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. MD5 is not collision resistant and is therefore not suitable as a cryptographic signature. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.