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Rules (17)

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Detected MD2 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. This algorithm has many known vulnerabilities and has been deprecated. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.

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Detected MD4 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. This algorithm has many known vulnerabilities and has been deprecated. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.

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Detected MD5 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. MD5 is not collision resistant and is therefore not suitable as a cryptographic signature. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.

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Detected SHA1 hash algorithm which is considered insecure. SHA1 is not collision resistant and is therefore not suitable as a cryptographic signature. Use SHA256 or SHA3 instead.

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'mark_safe()' is used to mark a string as "safe" for HTML output. This disables escaping and could therefore subject the content to XSS attacks. Use 'django.utils.html.format_html()' to build HTML for rendering instead.

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An insecure SSL version was detected. TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, and all SSL versions are considered weak encryption and are deprecated. Use 'ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2' or higher.

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Cryptographic keys should not be kept in the source code. The source code can be widely shared in an enterprise environment, and is certainly shared in open source. To be managed safely, passwords and secret keys should be stored in separate configuration files or keystores.

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Cryptographic keys should not be kept in the source code. The source code can be widely shared in an enterprise environment, and is certainly shared in open source. To be managed safely, passwords and secret keys should be stored in separate configuration files or keystores.

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Cryptographic keys should not be kept in the source code. The source code can be widely shared in an enterprise environment, and is certainly shared in open source. To be managed safely, passwords and secret keys should be stored in separate configuration files or keystores.

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Cryptographic keys should not be kept in the source code. The source code can be widely shared in an enterprise environment, and is certainly shared in open source. To be managed safely, passwords and secret keys should be stored in separate configuration files or keystores.