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Copying a prop into state in React -- this is bad practice as all updates to it are ignored. Instead, read props directly in your component and avoid copying props into state.

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  - id: react-props-in-state
      - patterns:
          - pattern-inside: |
              class $CN extends React.Component {
          - pattern-either:
              - pattern: |
                  state = {$NAME: <... this.props.$PROP ...>}
              - pattern: |
                  this.state = {$NAME: <... this.props.$PROP ...>}
          - metavariable-regex:
              metavariable: $NAME
              regex: ^(?!default|initial).*$
      - patterns:
          - pattern-either:
              - pattern-inside: |
                  function $FN({$PROP},...) {
              - pattern-inside: |
                  function $FN($PROP,...) {
          - pattern-either:
              - pattern: useState(<... $PROP ...>)
              - pattern: useState(<... $PROP.$KEY ...>)
              - pattern: |
                  useState(function $X(...) {
                    <... $PROP ...>
              - pattern: |
                  useState(function $X(...) {
                    <... $PROP.$KEY ...>
          - metavariable-regex:
              metavariable: $PROP
              regex: ^(?!default|initial).*$
    message: Copying a prop into state in React -- this is bad practice as all
      updates to it are ignored. Instead, read props directly in your component
      and avoid copying props into state.
        - https://overreacted.io/writing-resilient-components/#principle-1-dont-stop-the-data-flow
      category: best-practice
        - react
      license: Commons Clause License Condition v1.0[LGPL-2.1-only]
      - typescript
      - javascript
    severity: WARNING



class Test1 extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // ruleid:react-props-in-state
    this.state = {
          foo: 'bar',
          color: this.props.color,
          one: 1

  render() {
    const { color } = this.state;
    return (
      <button className={'Button-' + color}>

class Test2 extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // ruleid:react-props-in-state
    this.state = {
      textColor: slowlyCalculateTextColor(this.props.color)

  render() {
    return (
      <button className={
        'Button-' + this.props.color +
        ' Button-text-' + this.state.textColor

class OkTest extends React.Component {
// ok: react-props-in-state
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
          foo: 'bar',
          initialColor: this.props.color,
          one: 1

  render() {
    const { color } = this.state;
    return (
      <button className={'Button-' + color}>

function Test3({ text }) {
  // ruleid:react-props-in-state
  const [buttonText] = useState(text)
  return <button>{buttonText}</button>

function Test4(props) {
  // ruleid:react-props-in-state
  const [formattedText] = useState(() => slowlyFormatText(props.text))
  return <button>{formattedText}</button>

function OkTest1({ color, children }) {
  const textColor = useMemo(
// ok: react-props-in-state
    () => slowlyCalculateTextColor(color),
  return (
    <button className={'Button-' + color + ' Button-text-' + textColor}>

class OkTest2 extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
// ok: react-props-in-state
    const textColor = slowlyCalculateTextColor(this.props.color);
    return (
      <button className={
        'Button-' + this.props.color +
        ' Button-text-' + textColor


class Test1 extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // ruleid:react-props-in-state
    this.state = {
          foo: 'bar',
          color: this.props.color,
          one: 1

  render() {
    const { color } = this.state;
    return (
      <button className={'Button-' + color}>

class Test2 extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    // ruleid:react-props-in-state
    this.state = {
      textColor: slowlyCalculateTextColor(this.props.color)

  render() {
    return (
      <button className={
        'Button-' + this.props.color +
        ' Button-text-' + this.state.textColor

class OkTest extends React.Component {
// ok: react-props-in-state
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
          foo: 'bar',
          initialColor: this.props.color,
          one: 1

  render() {
    const { color } = this.state;
    return (
      <button className={'Button-' + color}>

function Test3({ text }) {
  // ruleid:react-props-in-state
  const [buttonText] = useState(text)
  return <button>{buttonText}</button>

function Test4(props) {
  // ruleid:react-props-in-state
  const [formattedText] = useState(() => slowlyFormatText(props.text))
  return <button>{formattedText}</button>

function OkTest1({ color, children }) {
  const textColor = useMemo(
// ok: react-props-in-state
    () => slowlyCalculateTextColor(color),
  return (
    <button className={'Button-' + color + ' Button-text-' + textColor}>

class OkTest2 extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
// ok: react-props-in-state
    const textColor = slowlyCalculateTextColor(this.props.color);
    return (
      <button className={
        'Button-' + this.props.color +
        ' Button-text-' + textColor

function OkTest3({ initialText }) {
  // ok: react-props-in-state
  const [buttonText] = useState(initialText)
  return <button>{buttonText}</button>